Carbon Management

Carbon management - no matter whether related to the EU ETS, the Paris Agreement, or any regional or national marked-based instrument - needs a proper and solid monitoring, reporting and verification system (MRV).

Regardless of whether you want to offset your carbon footprint or reduce your emissions by implementation of new technology, by using our knowledge and expertise of the carbon business, we provide guidance at any phase like implementation, certification or maintenance of your carbon management system.

Mediation & Arbitration

Emission Reduction projects - in CDM, JI or other schemes - are usually creating significant volumes of carbon revenues. In EU-ETS the value of carbon is an import business factor for participating industries. Validating emission reduction activities for registration or verifying the monitoring reports as basis of the issuance of credits as well as the verification of an operators emissions report are therefore sensitive issues for both, the project or plant owners and the verifying companies. Disputes might appear and lawsuits might follow as result of individual interpretations of regulations or technical issues.

As independent mediator beCe carbon experts banks on experience and expertise aiming to archive a suitable solutions for all parties. Being active ourselves as verifiers and technical advisers, and through our close contacts to the regulating bodies beCe carbon experts is outstandingly qualified to be used as arbitrator whenever it comes to a dispute between two actors on the carbon market.