Designated Operational Entities and Independent Entities Association (DIA)
beCe carbon experts is entitled to run the operations office of the Designated Operational Entities and Independent Entities Association (DIA).
The DIA is an independent, not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the development and establishment of effective processes and criteria for and related to the determination and validation and verification of emission reduction and sequestration projects and to represent the members at relevant bodies of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and other Greenhouse Gas (GHG) programmes that accept UNFCCC accredited bodies to carry out determination and validation or verification. DIA members encompass companies that verify and certify project activities under CDM and JI.[nbsp]
For more information about the DIA please visit the DIA website
verico SCE
verico SCE (Societas Cooperativa Europaea), a European cooperative, based in Langenbach, Germany, (same address as beCe carbon experts) runs a unique organisational structure among all accredited bodies. All members from several EU member countries are either small enterprises or freelancers. With a focus on MRV of greenhouse gas emissions and sustainability, the members use the legal form of a cooperative to render accredited services (ISO 14065 and ISO 50001) for the industry and to provide a platform for multi-sectoral support services for scheme regulators like development banks, ministries and authorities as well as accreditation bodies.
While beCe carbon experts GmbH is also a member of verico SCE, Mr Betzenbichler is elected as Executive Chairman since registration in 2013. beCe carbon experts GmbH renders the administration of the cooperative. To protect verico's integrity, no accredited services will be rendered to organisations / installations or projects where we might be involved as consultants.
For more information see